Prevention magazine gives you healthy solutions you can really live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food, and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!
Stretch All Day
Beat Jet Lag
What to Know About Uterine Fibroids • Get a closer look at this common gynecological condition for Fibroid Awareness Month this July.
Climate Books to Read This Summer • Pop one of these new books into your vacation bag to learn about the state of the planet and what we all must do to help it—and ourselves.
Keep Tabs on High Blood Pressure
Happy Feet
Finding Hope and Joy After a Loss • Fulfilling the dreams on her dad’s bucket list helped Laura Carney grieve and reset her mental health after an unexpected tragedy. Here, the author of My Father’s List: How Living My Dad’s Dreams Set Me Free talks about her journey:
What’s the best way to soften dry, scaly heels?
Safely Introduce Pets and Kids
How to Cool Furry Friends
25-Minute Meal Under $15 • Grilled Jerk Chicken with Mango and Cucumber Salad
FLAVORS OF JAMAICA • Inspired by our jerk chicken recipe? Here, more nutritious Caribbean-centric foods from Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, M.S., R.D.N., founder of 360Girls&Women.
GET STRONGER ARMS • You don’t need heavy weights to improve your strength. Doing bicep curls at a slower pace allows you to add resistance to the motion for a harder workout.
Say Bye to Tech Neck • Want to relieve (or prevent!) that pain you get from too much time spent bent over your smartphone, tablet, or laptop? Try these tips from biomechanist Katy Bowman, author of Rethink Your Position.
JUGGLING • This could be the fun do-anywhere activity your brain has been waiting for.
Cupping for Type 2 Diabetes • This ancient physical therapy may help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Natural Skin Soothers • Before you head to the medicine cabinet, try the kitchen.
Do You Need a “Sleep Divorce”? • How to stay connected when you decide on separate beds.
Sun-Proof Your Makeup • Protect your skin without sacrificing your beauty routine.
The Power of stretching • Just a few minutes a day can ease and prevent pain. Here’s how to work its magic.
BED STRETCHES • Do these three moves before you climb out of bed each morning.
KEY BODY TERMS • Keep this list handy to help you perform each stretch properly.
STANDING STRETCHES • Do these after brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
SEATED STRETCHES • Complete these from your kitchen chair.
BRAIN FREEZE • If you feel a sudden strong zap of pain in your head as you sip a milkshake, here’s why.
Why Was I Having Horrible Leg Cramps? • Mysterious twitches and pain kept me from the thing that made me happiest—working out.
What Is CFS?
SEE YOUR DOCTOR SOONER • Having a hard time getting an appointment? It’s not you—it’s our health care system. Delays in scheduling medical visits are longer than they used to be. Here’s how to better navigate the system and get treated ASAP.
The Body Remembers • Sexual violence isn’t only an emotional trauma that too many women must find a way to work through. Sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and even less physical violations such as sexual harassment and “revenge porn” can have lasting consequences for your health. Here’s what you need to know.
MAKE SOME NOISE • Here’s what you can do to raise awareness and help prevent sexual violence.
5 Myths About Fat • Misinformation has made this macronutrient much maligned. We’d butter set the record straight.
Mammograms • This crucial screening is a total of 20 seconds of squish, and it can save your life.